
Here are some of the most beautiful places I have had the chance to visit on this and previous trips to Colombia. Of course, there are many more on my to-do list which I hope to discover someday, such as the Tayrona National Park, Leticia and the Amazon region, the city of Barranquilla, the Guajira, San Andrés and Gorgona Islands, Caño Cristales, and many more...

Barú is a peninsula located to the South of Cartagena (see below) on the Caribbean coast. Its beaches are whiter and less populated than those of Cartagena.

Cartagena de Indias
One of the most famous places in the country, the colonial town of Cartagena is situated on the Caribbean coast and attracts a huge amount of national and international visitors (which these pictures don't reflect!). Its historic town center is a UNESCO world heritage site.

Eje Cafetero
The "coffee region" situated in the Quindío department around the town of Armenia.

I finally got to visit the second most important city in Colombia and capital of the Antioquia region. Medellín is famous for its spring-like climate, textile industry, cultural events and festivals (especially flowers and tango), and for being the most developed city in the country, not least because of its unique Metro transportation system. Apart from the Museo of Antioquia with its extensive Botero collection (Medellín's best-known son), it is worth to take a tour around the city and visit the Parque de los Deseos, Parque de los Pies Descalzos, Parque Lleras, and Pueblito Paisa, enjoy the weather and of course, a good bandeja paisa.

Santa Marta
Located on the Caribbean coast, Santa Marta is the capital of the Magdalena department and oldest existing city of Colombia. It is famous for the Tayrona National Park in the adjacent Sierra Nevada, and a popular beach vacation destination. The Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino is definitely worth visiting: the hacienda where Simón Bolivar, the "libertador" of Colombia, Peru, Venezuela and Ecuador spent the last 11 days of his life before passing away in December 1830. The most famous Samarios are singer and actor Carlos Vives as well as soccer players Carlos "El Pibe" Valderrama and Falcao.

Villa de Leyva
Ancient colonial village about 2.5 hours drive away from Bogotá, and 40 km West of Tunja in the Boyacá department. The most beautiful sight is the huge central square surrounded by ancient colonial buildings. The climate is milder than in the capital and people love to come spend a weekend here, enjoying good food, walks or bike trips in the surrounding areas and calm away from the buzz of Bogotá.

Famous for its underground cathedral built in a salt mine, this town makes for a great day-trip away from the city.

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