Monday, June 25, 2012


Bogotá seems to be the ciy of noise and it is nearly impossible to find a place of total quietness around here. The good thing is that you kind of get used to living in an environment that almost never grants a moment of silence. The most common noises are: construction sites with everything that comes with it (residential and office buildings seem to be spreading like mushrooms and are being worked on Mondays through Saturdays), car horns, car alarms (paradoxically car alarms don't seem to be of much use here, given the frequency with with they randomly go off - including ours...!), all kinds of traffic noises, tyres and brakes squealing, dogs barking (there are A LOT of dogs), music (probably one of the nicer ones!), televisions (including in doctor's waiting rooms) and of course people, who have a tendency of speaking quite loud, at least for my ears, be it on their phones or in person - but maybe it is precisely because of all that other background noise.

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